That picture was taken a year ago! It was our first picture together. J looks thrilled doesn't he?
AHHHHH I can't believe a year has gone by already! It doesn't even feel like that long. But then again, it feels like we have been together forever. I guess that is the way it goes when you're madly in love.
We have had an awesome anniversary. Last night we had a few of our best friends over to celebrate. And celebrate we did! J and I were both moaning in agony when our alarm went off at 6 am. Thank God it was pouring rain outside. J is a landscaper so when it rains, it means he's home that day! We hopped right back in to bed and cuddled for the next few hours.
We went out to an early dinner at our (my) favorite Mexican place. There was not a soul in there today! J swears he rented the place our so it could be just us. He's sticking to his story and keeping a straight face so I am choosing to believe him. How sweet =) Then on the way home, our song came on the radio (God Blessed the Broken Road) it could not have been more perfect!
Tonight, were popping some popcorn, pouring some champagne, and watching a movie. What movie might you ask? Mamma Mia! Exactly 1 year ago tonight, I was sitting in my living room by myself, eating some takeout, in my PJ's in the dark, watching this movie. I had been texting J on and off throughout the night. All of a sudden, right in the middle of "Honey Honey" I get this text saying "I'm going to go to bed. But one thing before I go...Will you be my girl?" I squealed with joy because we had been shamelessly flirting for weeks now! I was seriously weak in the knees, school-girl crushing all over him. And he finally asked me to be his woman!!!!
So folks, that is the story. Oh I forgot to add one little thing.........
Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!?? No, it's not an engagement ring. But it is, as J is calling it, a "pre-engagement ring". He wanted me to have something to symbolize how much he loves me, and how one day in the near future, I am going to be his wife. *swoooon* Ahhhh my guy. He still gives me butterflies after all this time. Marriage is something we talk a lot about actually. An engagement will probably happen within the next 1-2 years. I think about how fast this last year went by and think "Oh gosh! I might be engaged this time next year!!" But for now, I am in love with my wonderful man, and my sparkly new friend =)