
Friday, February 4, 2011

6 Weeks!

Yes, I have gone back in time! According to my more accurate calculations I am exactly 6 weeks today! This could also change though. I go in for my dating scan on the 18th! Woohoo!

How Far Along: 6 weeks

How Big is The Baby: The size of a sweetpea! Awww this just might be the new nickname =)

Total Weight Gain: Nothing yet.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but it's coming. My pants are already getting tighter because of the bloat

Stretch Marks: None besides the ones I already have

Sleep: AWFUL! Couldn't be worse. I don't sleep at all at night because of my Restless Leg Syndrome. I have had it since I was a little girl, but it's never bothered me THIS much until now. Usually the creepy crawly feeling will go away, but I've had it for the last 8 hours or so, and I can't sleep.

Movement: You mean besides gas?!

Food Cravings: No cravings, but still getting aversions.

What I Miss: Sleeping =(, I am no longer able to sleep on my stomach because of the bloat.

What I’m Looking Forward To: My first real ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat, growing a belly.

Milestones: My betas obviously! And morning sickness has officially started. BLECH!

Not much else to report folks. I go in for my next appointment on the 18th, and I'll get an ultrasound! I am trying to think positive thoughts, But I just have this nagging feeling something is going to go wrong. I am just psyching myself out, I'm sure. I'm sure everything will be fine! 2 more weeks!

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  1. Congrats Ashley!! Can't wait to follow your pegnancy.

  2. those two weeks will fly by, my dear!
