So much has been going on recently, I don't know where to start!
J and I have been spending a lot of time sitting out by my Grandmother's pool and getting in the hot tub. It's been so nice to just sit and relax with him. The pool was FREEZING but we got in anyway!
I will be picking up my car at the end of the week! I'm so excited! The car is just perfect for me and exactly what I was looking for!
On a sad note, J and I witnessed something pretty horrifying on Saturday. We went down to the local car dealership to give the guy my downpayment for the car. We had heard there had been a car accident on 15 N, which runs parallel to the dealership. We had no idea it actually occured right where the dealership was though. We parked the car and as we were getting out I said "Whenever I see an accident, I'm always paranoid that it's going to be someone I know". Well, we rounded the corner and saw the vehicles involved...J just stops and says "Oh my God...That's BH's truck!" BH is a friend of his family. Turns out BH wasn't driving, but his 18 year old son was. We ended up talking to one of the guys at the dealership who heard the accident. He said it sounded louder than any gunshot he's ever heard. He ran out to see what happened and just saw 2 bodies slumped over in the vehicle that was hit. What happened was, an elderly couple was crossing the highway, and misjudged the distance that BH's truck was...So they pulled out and BH's Son couldn't stop in time and T-boned them. The woman driving died instantly and the man in the passengers sit was air lifted to a hospital in Baltimore. It was so surreal to see the aftermath of this horrible accident. It still gives me chills thinking about it.
We spent Saturday night keeping my Mom company. She loves when we come over. I don't blame her...It's like living in a prison at my Grandmother's. She can't really leave her alone except to go to work. But, things seem to be working out better. My Grandmother has been on her best behavoir since my Mom came back. Hopefully it stays that way.
I was making them laugh telling them a funny story about my Ex MIL. I was telling them the story about how when we went to go pick up their Chihuahua, Whinnie...Ex's MIL's husband, who is now deaceased, was telling me how the only reason he was even letting her get this dog was because he felt bad for throwing their other chihuahua out the window! He used to be a horrible alcoholic. All these years, my ex MIL thought the dog had just slipped out of the car somehow and got lost in a snowstorm. Nope...He confided in me that the dog just wouldn't shut up and he tossed it out the window while she had run into a gas station! Now, don't get me wrong..That's a horrible thing to do! But I had to laugh because she was just so oblivious.
I was very close to her husband. He was the only one in that whole family who ever took my side and appreciated the things I did. He confided a lot of stuff in me. He used to tell me that he hated his marriage, but he only stayed with her because he knew she would never find anyone else. I do miss him very much. He used to tell me I deserved so much better than what I was getting out of my Ex...I know he'd be happy for me now!
Sunday we had a delicious dinner with J's Mini and Poppy! OMG it was goooooood! BBQ Ribs, baked beans, Salad, and cheesecake! I was so full I could hardly breath! It was worth the 5 lbs I must have put on!
Today I'm back at work, but only until 5! J is picking me up at the office and were heading to one of my best friends wedding rehearsal! I'm a bridesmaid =) I've never been in a wedding before, I'm kind of nervous. I just KNOW I'm going to trip while walking down the aisle. The wedding is on Saturday and J is actually wearing a tie! I'm so excited to see him all cleaned up. My little sophisticated redneck =)
I'll be sure to post lots of pictures for proof!
~ Merry Christmas To You & Your Family ~
11 years ago
Oh cheesecake sounds so wonderful!!!