
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Scentsy Review

So I finally broke down and ordered a Scentsy warmer, and a couple of different scent packs. The warmer I bought is the Heartfelt warmer which looks like

<--------- This

With it, I purchased the scents Warm Apple Pie, Beach, Rio Beach, and Flirtatious. I only really like 2 out of the 4. Warm Apple Pie is a given. It smells wonderfully homey. Like it's Thanksgiving weekend and your Grandma is baking her famous apple pie. But the scent isn't very strong. I can smell it pretty well on my entire first floor, but upstairs I smell nothing. Whenever I burn a candle I can smell it all throughout the house.

The other one I like is the Rio Beach. It doesn't smell like the beach at all to me. Again, it smells very homey and reminds me of Autumn. I don't know where they come up with a beach scent for that. But it does smell good.

Next is Flirtatious. It's a great spring scent. Very floral and sweet. But it kind of just reminds me of when you spray air freshener around your house. The scent is nothing you couldn't get from a bottle of Febreeze.

And last is Beach. I haven't even used this one yet because the scent in the packaging alone makes me gag. I do not like it at all. I can't even describe what it smells like. A mix of wet sand and flowers maybe? It's not for me.

Overall, I am not thrilled with Scentsy and don't really know what all the hype is about. I'm sure there are a bunch more scents that I would love. Happy Birthday is one that comes to mind. But, I just don't know if I am willing to order again and pay the S&H on the off chance that I may like it.

As I said, whenever I burn a candle I can smell it all throughout the house, and for HOURS even after I stop burning it. Yankee Candle is where it's at for me. I did pick up a candle at the grocery store the other day. It's by Village Candle and it's called Maple Butter. Oh my lordness, it is AMAZING. J and I went to dinner and a movie last night and my mom came over to watch Kenzie. She lit the candle when we left, and when we returned 3 hours later, we walked in and it smelled amazing. We blew it out, and even this morning when we woke up, we could still smell it throughout the home. 

So I think I will stick with my favorite Yankee Candles. And for anyone wondering, the YC that I LOVE and burn all year 'round are Hot Apple Cider, Pumpkin Spice, and Autumn Leaves. The only summer scented candle that I LOVE is by Febreeze, and it's a limited edition one called Seaside Escape. It smells like coconuts, oh so good! If you burn any of those, your home is sure to smell amazing and welcoming!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just a general life update

Where is the time going? Mackenzie will be 8 months old next week. 8 MONTHS! 16 weeks away from being 1 year old. It just boggles my mind. It seems like I was just posting about her smiling for the first time, or learning to roll over. And now I'm posting about her running around the house in her walker, and getting ready to crawl!

She is doing great! She is on strictly table foods and formula now. She is all of a sudden refusing all purees. She likes to "gum up" her food! So basically what we eat, she eats. Her daily schedule is typically:

7am- 7 oz bottle
8:30- some fresh fruit, or oatmeal and fruit, or some puffs, sometimes some scrambled eggs. Then it's playtime!
9:00- Nap time for 2 or 3 hours.
12:00 pm- 6 oz bottle
1:30pm- more fruit, or some steamed veggies, or some bitesize pieces of whatever I am eating if it is baby appropriate. Some puffs as well. Playtime with mama again.
3:00- 6 oz bottle and nap time for 1-2 hours.
5:00- Playtime in walker while mama cooks dinner
6:00- Dinner time! Pieces of whatever we are eating. Usually chicken or pasta and steamed veggies.
7:00- Bath-time, jammies, story-time, 8 oz bottle, and nighty night!
3:00am (give or take)- Wakes once for diaper change and a 4 oz bottle.

Repeat at 7 am the next day!

It doesn't seem like much, but keeping an 8 month old entertained is a full time job!

We have some exciting new developments happening in our life. J and I have been living in a townhouse since we first started dating almost 3 years ago. I own the townhouse with my mother, who is currently living with and taking care of my elderly Grandmother. It's been great living here, but it was built like a piece of crap. It wasn't built properly at all. If we plan on staying here for any considerable length of time (which we do not) we would really need to fix all of these things. And that would just cost money that we don't necessarily have right now. J owns a lot that is about 3 acres, on the outskirts of town. Our plan has always been to build on it in a few years. After discovering all of the issues with our current home, if we paid to fix them, it would take us at least 5-7 years to save up the money we need to build. We just aren't willing to do that. So we have decided to make a bold move. A move that some might considering moving backward and not forward. In about 4 weeks, we will be moving into his parents basement apartment! It's going to save us SO much money and allow us to save up the money we need to build our home in probably a year or so.

We won't have to pay rent, but I'll be taking over handling all the paperwork and office work of the business. So it's almost like I'll have a job again, YAY! And I'll be doing most of the cooking and cleaning, which I don't mind one bit. Kenzie will have to move into our room, but I could care less. It's going to save so much money and pretty soon we'll be in our brand new house and she'll have her own room again.

J's parents are seriously the most wonderful people in the world. I have never met two people who are so generous. His mom is seriously like my best friend. J always laughs, because she and I talk every single day, several times a day. She has to be the best Mother I have ever met. She has worked so hard her entire life to make J into the man he is today. And she did it all on her own. I have so much respect for her and I really look up to her.

Everything else is just rollimg right along. Puppy is doing fantastic and will enjoy the 4 other dogs, and 9+ acres to run around on at J's parents. I am so ridiculously excited to start this chapter of our life! Bring on the boxes and bubble wrap, were movin out!

Thursday, May 3, 2012