How Big is The Baby: The size of a sweet potato! (5.6 inches and 6.7 oz)
Total Weight Gain: Not sure yet. I have a feeling I have probably packed on a couple more #'s!
Maternity Clothes: Always in Maternity pants, can still wear most regular shirts, but they are starting to get short!
Stretch Marks: No new ones
Sleep: I have good days and bad days. Lately they have been in between. I usually have to take a Unisom to get to sleep, but then the Unisom makes my RLS go CRAZY. So it's a catch 22.
Movement: All.The.Time. Mostly when I am sitting or lying down. Still no full on kicks yet, but the movements are getting much stronger...Won't be long!
Food Cravings: Anything and everything bad for me. I really wish it wasn't that way! In the begining I was craving fruits and veggies! What happened!?
What I Miss: Alcohol...Does this make me a bad mother? LOL! We had a group of friends over the other night and while they all enjoyed their cocktails I sat there sipping my ice water. Party pooper! Well worth it though!
What I’m Looking Forward To: Bigger belly, Getting the nursery all set up, J seeing/feeling her kick.
Milestones: Just being where I am.